Successful Fashion Freelancer

WHAT AN HONOR to be on my FAVORITE PODCAST Successful Fashion Freelancer. Heidi has created this safe space for fashion freelancers and I’ve been listening for YEEEEARS now. I share my entire fashion journey before and since Black Unicorn Merchandising. It’s been up! It’s been down! But mostly up.

I think this can be very encouraging to young designers. Please listen and share with someone who needs to hear this. 🥰

When life gives you lemons you make lemonade…but what about when life gives you a job loss?  Or even a pandemic?

Is it even possible to turn a job loss (especially during the pandemic) into a thriving startup in the fashion industry?  Yep!  My guest, Krystal Lewis, shares exactly how she turned her personal and professional challenges into launching her own fashion business. It’s a raw look at the ups and downs of becoming your own boss in a tough industry.

As a fashion designer, there’s always going to be curveballs thrown your way.  Listen to this episode to learn key lessons for taking what life throws at you and creating a successful and thriving fashion business!

Krystal Lewis